ICDL Lebanon
ICDL is the new name for the ECDL program in Lebanon. We're doing more than just changing a letter though.
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ICDL in the Red Zone: One Italian school’s experience of Covid-19 – Part 2
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ICDL in the Red Zone: One Italian school’s experience of Covid-19 – Part 1
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ICDL in Schools by ECDL Malta
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ICDL Workforce
Prominent higher education institution in Djibouti offers ICDL to students
Specto, the ICDL operator in a number of Arab States, has signed an agreement with the Centre Universitaires des Sciences et Technologies Industrielles (CFD) in Djibouti to deliver ICDL in several languages to its students.
Read MoreMalaysia’s top university to offer ICDL programmes on campus
ICDL Asia reached another significant milestone as it welcomed the top university in Malaysia, University of Malaya (UM), as a newly accredited test centre in the country.
Read MoreNational Institute of Engineering collaborates with ICDL to upgrade digital skills of engineers in Thailand
ICDL Thailand signed an agreement with the Thai National Institute of Engineering to upgrade the digital skills of engineers in the country.
Read MoreECDL Poland signs agreements to certify digital skills of over 2,500 people
A series of new projects in Poland will see 2,692 people given the opportunity to certify their digital skills to the international ICDL standard.
Read MoreItalian ‘train the trainer’ webinars for ICDL Information Literacy exceed expectation
AICA launched the ICDL Information Literacy module in Italy in October 2018. Due to interest in the module’s subject, AICA organised a ‘train the trainer’ webinar for Accredited Testers.
Read MoreDLGI & German Federal Foundation for Data Protection assess first year of GDPR in Europe: gain for civil rights and competition
A new joint statement from the German Federal Foundation for Data Protection and DLGI draws positive conclusions about the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation after its first year in force.
Read MoreCertificate presentation ceremony at Hanoi College of Industrial Economics
35 lecturers and officers from Hanoi College of Industrial Economics (HIEC) received ICDL Profile certificates after completing a Train-the-Trainer session recently.
Read MoreATFormation trains the teams of Fac-similé Grand Sud (CANON group)
Stéphane Lafleur, CEO of Fac-Similé Grand Sud, a subsidiary of Canon, took part in a short interview about ICDL and his workforce.
Read MoreWorld Bank funding supports training for using ICT in schools in Kosovo
Seven schools in Kosovo are using ECDL certification to improve the use of ICT in teaching thanks to an ECDL Kosova project funded by the World Bank’s Education System Improvement Project (ESIP).
Read MoreSuccessful candidates receive ICDL certification at ceremony in Rwanda
1,207 candidates from the Rwandan University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies (UTB) received ICDL certificates at a graduation ceremony held at the Kigali Convention Centre
Read MoreNew initiative for digital skills certification in vocational education launched in China
China’s National Centre for Educational Technology (NCET) launched a new project on ‘Upskilling and Certifying the Digital Skills of Chinese Vocational College Students’ at a conference at the Nanjing Vocational College of Information Technology in April.
Read MoreICDL becomes the digital skills standard for Egyptian teachers
Teachers in Egypt will be able to become ICDL certified under a new partnership between ICDL Arabia and the Egyptian Ministry of Education and Technical Education.
Read MoreICDL Lebanon signs agreement with maritime academy
Students at the International Maritime Academy of Lebanon will have the chance to take ICDL tests under a new agreement.
Read MoreICDL launched in Europe at event in Brussels
The ICDL brand was launched in Brussels on 10 May at an event, co-organised with CEPIS.
Read MoreReport on ESCO highlights ECDL quality assurance measures
ECDL has been referenced in a new report from the European Commission as an example of quality assurance in skills certification.
Read MoreDANSK IT initiative sees Digital Skills & Jobs Coalition Denmark formed
DSJC Denmark, the Danish national coalition affiliated to the EU’s Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition was launched in February 2019.
Read MoreCombatting disinformation online on the agenda at first European Media Literacy Week
Media literacy was in the spotlight last week as the EU marked its first European Media Literacy Week.
Read MoreStudents at college in Suzhou offered opportunity to gain ICDL and course credit
Students at Silicon Lake Vocational and Technical College, in the Chinese city of Suzhou, will have the opportunity to gain ICDL certification.
Read MoreICDL Thailand commits to build ‘SMART Digital Pre-Cadets 4.0
1,300 students and 200 faculty at the Thai Royal Military Academy Preparatory School will have the opportunity to develop their digital skills with ICDL.
Read MoreWEF white paper highlights role of skills in future economy
A new report from the World Economic Forum looks at 10 strategies to create a labour market based on skills.
Read MoreDelegation from Côte d’Ivoire visits ICDL Africa in Rwanda
A delegation from the Government of Côte d’Ivoire’s ANSUT (National Agency of the Universal Service of Telecommunications/ICT) visited ICDL Africa.
Read MoreUganda Technology & Management University becomes ICDL test centre
Students at Uganda Technology and Management University will have the opportunity to certify their digital skills with ICDL after the private university became an ICDL Accredited Test Centre.
Read MoreSpecto certifies teachers of highly ranked Jordanian school
Schools in Jordan are becoming more aware about the importance of ICDL modules and the necessity of teachers and staff acquiring digital skills, regardless of their background.
Read MoreSerbian court uses ECDL to increase staff efficiency
ECDL training and certification is being used to help employees to improve the quality and services of Pozega Basic Court in Serbia.
Read MoreSpecto promotes ICDL through pan-Arab EDRAAK platform
Specto, the ICDL National Operator in a number of Arab states, has worked with pan-Arab ‘massive open online course’ (MOOC) platform, EDRAAK, to make ICDL Base modules available to a wider audience.
Read MoreICDL Professional
Specto trains ICDL teachers in Computing module
The ICDL Computing module has been received with great enthusiasm by private schools in Jordan. Responding to demand from schools, Specto, the ICDL National Operator in the country, delivered training in the module to 15 teachers from eight schools.
Read MoreECDL Cyprus launches ECDL Computing with an e-Learning Platform
The Cyprus Computer Society, the National Operator of the ICDL programme in Cyprus is launching the Computing module as of October 1, 2019.
Read MoreFuture of ICDL in schools discussed at event for teachers in Jordan
Specto, the ICDL operator in several Arab States, recently organised an event for private schools in Jordan at the Crowne Plaza Dead Sea Resort.
Read MorePreparing human resources graduates in Malaysia for the digital workforce
A talk for the final year Human Resource (HR) degree students was hosted by the UNITAR International University (Malaysia) on 25 June 2019, to build awareness on the challenges in creating a digitally skilled workforce for the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Read MoreComputing module successfully implemented in Austrian schools
Nearly 100 pupils have successfully passed the Computing module in Austria so far, following its introduction by OCG
Read MoreData Analytics – Foundation module launches this month
Data Analytics – Foundation provides an introduction to essential topics like preparing data sets and visualising data.
Read MorePartnership with Singapore Academy of Law to develop ICDL Professional Legal programme
ICDL Foundation has signed an agreement to develop an ICDL Professional Legal programme with the Singapore Academy of Law.
Read MoreCCS and ECDL Cyprus organise ‘train-the-trainer’ workshops
Cyprus Computer Society and ECDL Cyprus have successfully organised ‘train-the-trainer’ workshops on the ECDL Computing module during the Easter school holidays.
Read MoreICDL launched in Europe at event in Brussels
The ICDL brand was launched in Brussels on 10 May at an event, co-organised with CEPIS.
Read MoreWEF white paper highlights role of skills in future economy
A new report from the World Economic Forum looks at 10 strategies to create a labour market based on skills.
Read MoreOnline course to prepare teachers to introduce Computing module launched in Italy
AICA, the ECDL National Operator in Italy, launched a new online course for teachers, ‘Fare didattica con il coding’, on January 14.
Read MoreECDL Romania launches second edition of major 3D printing campaign
ECDL Romania has launched the second edition of its 3D printing campaign.
Read MoreICDL Digital Student
Specto trains ICDL teachers in Computing module
The ICDL Computing module has been received with great enthusiasm by private schools in Jordan. Responding to demand from schools, Specto, the ICDL National Operator in the country, delivered training in the module to 15 teachers from eight schools.
Read MoreECDL Cyprus launches ECDL Computing with an e-Learning Platform
The Cyprus Computer Society, the National Operator of the ICDL programme in Cyprus is launching the Computing module as of October 1, 2019.
Read MoreChildren at SOS Childrens’ Village Danang in Vietnam to follow ICDL certification programmes
30 underprivileged children from SOS Children Village in Danang will be able to receive ICDL certification programmes through a partnership between Danang Vocational Training College (DANAVTC) and ICDL Vietnam.
Read MoreComputing module successfully implemented in Austrian schools
Nearly 100 pupils have successfully passed the Computing module in Austria so far, following its introduction by OCG
Read MoreICDL officially endorsed by Thai Ministry of Education
ICDL is officially recognised as an education standard in Thailand.
Read MoreNew EU study looks at ICT in education
A new study from the European Commission on digital technology in education has highlighted that there is a gender gap in digital skills development between boys and girls.
Read MoreSpecto signs an agreement with the Islamic Charity Center Society
ICDL is being introduced to schools run by the Islamic Charity Center Society (ICCS) in Jordan under a new agreement between ICCS and Specto, the ICDL National Operator in the country.
Read MoreSuccess for students in new ECDL initiative in Bosnia & Herzegovina
A new initiative in Bosnia to help students to develop their digital skills has seen the first 40 students gain ECDL certification.
Read MoreFirst ICDL 3D Design train-the-trainer class takes place in Nanjing, China
Teachers in Nanjing have taken part in the first round of train-the-trainer courses to get ready to teach the new ICDL 3D Design module.
Read MoreECDL Cyprus takes part in International Education and Career Exhibition in Nicosia
The Cyprus Computer Society and ECDL Cyprus participated in the International Education and Career Exhibition that was held from 15 to 17 February 2019 at the Cyprus International Fair grounds in Nicosia.
Read MoreECDL helps young people in Serbia to build digital skills under recently completed project
The ‘Youth for Impact’ programme aims to use ECDL to empower young people in Serbia who have disabilities or are without parental care.
Read MoreECDL Switzerland attends biggest education fair in Switzerland
The ECDL Switzerland team attended the largest education fair in Switzerland, Swissdidac and Worlddidac, from 7 to 9 November 2018 in Bern.
Read MoreICDL Digital Citizen
IT for All initiative started in Denmark
On October 3, DANSK IT, the ECDL National Operator in Denmark, had a call for action meeting for a national open learning platform for digital competences for a wide range of key stakeholders in Denmark (trade unions, business organisations and public authorities).
Read MoreICDL Insights
What ICDL France achieved during lockdown
A lot of companies had to adapt going through the Covid-19 outbreak and the lockdown measures that followed. ICDL France was no exception.
Read MoreBelgium announces refreshed Digital Belgium plan to boost digital skills and services
The Belgian Government has included strengthening digital skills in its recently adopted government agreement.
Read MoreECDL Kosova meets digital skills demands under Education System Improvement Project
ECDL Kosova, the ICDL operator in Kosovo, has continued its participation in the World Bank’s Education System Improvement Project, or ESIP. The project aims to improve the efficiency, quality and accountability of the education system.
Read MoreEuropean Commission launches major new Digital Education Action Plan
Building essential digital skills is a key part of the EU’s new Digital Education Action plan, announced by the European Commission earlier this month. The plan sets out the European Commission’s vision for better digital education for the period, 2021 to 2027.
Read MoreICDL Germany participates in first German ‘Digital Day’
ICDL Germany, operator of the ICDL programme in Germany, took part in Digital Day 2020 with a new quiz, ‘Test your digital knowledge!’. Digital Day took place for the first time on 19 June and is sponsored by the’ Digital for All initiative. It aims to promote digital participation in Germany.
Read MoreHeadteachers’ skills in the spotlight with new training initiative from ECDL Czech Republic
ECDL Czech Republic has developed a new training module for school management, ‘Strengthening the Strategic Component of Digital Literacy for School Leaders, or How to Make Decisions in a Field Where I am Not a Professional’.
Read MoreRomanian teachers turn their ICDL 3D printing skills to making face visors for hospitals and pharmacies
3D printers are being put into action to help manufacture face masks for hospitals and pharmacies in Romania under a new project involving ECDL Romania.
Read MoreEU makes €50 million available for education and skills development in pilot project
€50 million is being made available by the European Investment Fund and the European Commission to support improving education and skills for people across Europe.
Read MoreDigital Skills and Jobs Coalition calls on organisations to pledge to help get Europeans through crisis with digital skills
A call for immediate pledges to raise the digital skills of people across Europe has been issued by the EU’s Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.
Read MoreICDL testing during the Covid-19 crisis
ICDL Europe will be remaining active during the Covid-19 crisis to help support all users of the ICDL programme in Europe. While this is an exceptionally difficult time, we will be taking steps to support the continued operation of the ICDL programme in Europe.
Read MoreIslamic Society in Jordan offers ICDL certification through UNICEF-funded project
Marginalised and vulnerable young people in Jordan will be able to benefit from ICDL certification under a new agreement between Specto, which operates the ICDL programme in the country, and the Islamic Society in Jordan. The initiative will provide ICDL certification through the Makani (My Space) project, funded by UNICEF.
Read MoreICDL Germany offers free courses as part of national campaign
ICDL Germany is offering free courses through the ICDL learning platform in the country, www.icdl-lernen.de. The courses are being offered as part of a new campaign, ‘We stay smart!’, to encourage continued learning and skills development during the lockdown period.
Read MoreAlmost half of adults in Europe have potential to up-skill or re-skill according to EU report
Cedefop, the EU’s agency for vocational training, has published a new report titled, ‘Empowering Adults Through Upskilling and Reskilling Pathways’. It aims to show the size of the low-skilled adult population in Europe and to identify groups that are at risk of having low skills.
Read MoreNew Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition launched in Luxembourg
A newly relaunched Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition in Luxembourg will work to improve digital skills in the country. The Coalition, which was formed by Digital Luxembourg, the Chambre de Commerce and the Chambre des Métiers, was formed at the end of 2019 and will also work to develop a new national agenda on digital skills.
Read MoreGiulio Occhini – 1936 – 2019
On November 17, Giulio Occhini passed away. He was one of the founding fathers of computer science in Italy and in Europe.
Read MoreICILS results highlight importance of digital and information literacy skills for students
The results of the ICILS study were published, highlighting the fallacy of 'digital natives' and revealing that only 2% of students could assess online information critically.
Read MoreFirst ‘ICDL Digital Literacy Forum’ takes place in Italy
The ICDL programme was officially launched in Italy on 22 October at an event in Naples. More than 200 people attended, including representatives of many ICDL test centres.
Read MoreICDL launch in Germany was event number 500 of the European Vocational Skills Week 2019
DLGI, the operator of the ICDL programme in Germany, organised an ‘ICDL Kick-off’ event to launch ICDL in the country on 10 October. The event, which took place in Bonn, featured experts in the field of education and economy and was part of European Vocational Skills Week.
Read MoreWinners of ICDL Asia Digital Challenge 2019 revealed!
The third ICDL Asia Digital Challenge Grand Final took place from 10 to 12 September in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Read MoreKuala Lumpur Digital Skills Declaration
The Kuala Lumpur Digital Skills Declaration is a joint initiative by ICDL Asia and the University of Malaya. By invitation only, prominent companies who are committed to the continuous development of digital skills for the future digital workforce participated in the declaration.
Read MoreDigital Skills for Employability – ICDL Launch in Germany
ICDL will be launched in Germany at a kick-off event on October 10. The event will feature a keynote speech by the President of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Professor Dr Friedrich Hubert Esser.
Read MoreUNICEF report highlights ICDL compatibility with DigComp and Digital Kids Asia-Pacific frameworks
UNICEF has published a new paper on digital literacy for children, arguing that the UN agency should use the EU’s DigComp framework to develop its digital literacy strategy for children.
Read MoreEurope’s next digital commissioners announced by President-elect von der Leyen
European Commission President-elect, Ursula von der Leyen has announced her college of commissioners for the 2019 – 2024 period. Several commissioners will share responsibility for digital affairs.
Read MorePreparing human resources graduates in Malaysia for the digital workforce
A talk for the final year Human Resource (HR) degree students was hosted by the UNITAR International University (Malaysia) on 25 June 2019, to build awareness on the challenges in creating a digitally skilled workforce for the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Read MoreICDL Asia receives outstanding contribution award from Mendaki SENSE
Mendaki SENSE, one of ICDL Asia’s prominent test centres in Singapore organised a ‘Let’s Raya’ event on 27 June 2019. The annual Hari Raya celebration was celebrated by the local Malay community.
Read MoreICDL Foundation CEO delivers keynote speech at annual ICT conference in Cyprus
Damien O’Sullivan, CEO of ICDL Foundation, was invited to Cyprus by ECDL Cyprus and Cyprus Computer Society to participate in the 9th Information and Communication, Technology Conference & Exhibition.
Read More279 vocational colleges in China to begin ICDL programmes in September 2019
ICDL certification will be available to students and staff at 279 vocational colleges in China from September this year.
Read More8 leading ICT and computer associations sign agreement with ICDL Thailand
ICDL Thailand has signed an exclusive memorandum of understanding (MoU) with eight leading ICT and computer associations in Thailand.
Read MoreICDL officially announced in Italy
AICA, the Italian ICDL operator, officially announced the new ICDL programme in Italy on 10 May 2019.
Read MoreEU attitudes to internet security revealed in new survey
A new survey on Europeans’ attitudes to internet security has revealed that a majority of respondents are worried about falling victim to cybercrime.
Read MoreICDL Foundation and Specto meet Jordanian test centres
Specto, the ICDL operator in Jordan, held a meeting with test centres from around the country, attended by Damien O’Sullivan, CEO of ICDL Foundation, in March this year.
Read MoreTop French business school relies on ICDL certification to prepare workforce of tomorrow
Since 2014 students following the Global BBA programme at the emlyon business school have the opportunity to validate their computing skills through mandatory ICDL modules.
Read MoreLarge French investment plan to enhance basic skills in the country
A €15 billion investment plan to fund training courses for up to 2 million people has been announced by the French Government. The Plan Investissement Compétences (PIC) will run until 2022.
Read MoreICDL highlighted in UNESCO report as example of an international digital competence framework
A new report by UNESCO has highlighted the ICDL programme as a significant example of a digital skills framework around the world.
Read MoreIrish Defence Forces Highlight Benefit of ECDL
The Irish Defence Forces have noted the benefits that ECDL brings to their personnel at training institutions, on Naval ships, or on overseas missions.
Read More1,000 Syrian Refugees Gain ICDL Certificates
The Norwegian Refugee Council has celebrated granting its 1000th ICDL certificate to a refugee. The Al Zaatari Refugee camp was accredited as a Test Centre by Specto in 2014.
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